
Historic Muriel Potter Photos
See Ivan and Muriel Blayney

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use ktblayney@gmail.com)

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Gen 3Phyllis MURIEL Emma POTTER
+ Ivan Thomas BLAYNEY (1926-1993 NZ)
Gen 4 Ross Ivan BLAYNEY
     (1)+ Glenys Ann ROPER;
(2)+ Lucy HARRISON
Bruce Edward BLAYNEY
(1)+ CJH
(2)+ GMJ
Keith Thomas BLAYNEY
 (1)+ Wendy Patricia DIXON;
(2)+ Shirley May COXHEAD
Lynn Muriel BLAYNEY
(1)+ Christopher C. F. ANDREW;
   (2)+ Robert (Rob) Charles KROHN
Gwenda Karen BLAYNEY
+ Daniel Paul FERRETT

See Muriel's full genealogy HERE.
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Click pictures to enlarge.

"1928 April MurielDrives(Farmers)" Mum drives!

"1928 Muriel & Joe Potter" & rocking chair

"1940s Mum"

"1940s MurielPotter"

"1940s YoungMuriel"

"1944 (2)" Vi & Muriel on Saints team

"1944 XmasFlossie_Muriel" Mum (and Flo)

"1945c DSCN9609" Mum Aunt Trissie and sister Flo

"1945 Muriel_MaudHart" Mum & Maud

"1946c Muriel Potter"

"1947 Muriel Potter - bridesmaidx3" Vi's Bridesmaid

Muriel and her mate!

"IvanMuriel3legs" c.1949
Ivan & Muriel tying a different knot

"1949 Ivan & Muriel Blayney4"
Glimpse of an engagement ring

"1949 Muriel Potter - reg nurse"

"1949c DSCN9577a" High Tea and definite engagement ring on show

" 1950 KathMumFriends" With Kath and nursing friends

"1949 Ivan & Muriel Blayney"

"1950 4Feb DSCN9550b" Married!

"1950 4Feb e DSCN9543c" Arlie, Muriel and Ernie

"1950 Ivan & Muriel Blayney wed1" Formal

"1950 4Feb i CathMurielFlo040250" 4 Feb 1950 Cath, Muriel and Flo

"1950 4Feb Mum-col"

"1950 4Feb Mum-bw-col"

"1950 MurielnIvan4Feb" Formal wedding party photo


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Permission to use pics

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See our extensive Family History and Tramping site at keithblayney.com or the Medical Practice site at drblayney.com

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