
Historic NZ Joseph & Alice Carruthers Photos Page 1
See Potter Family  See 2nd Carruthers page (mid 1970s on) photos

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Some later photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum); prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

These Carruthers pages are dedicated to my Grandmother Arlie Potter née Carruthers shown on the right holding me as a 6 month old baby. She was always quietly in the backgroud, knitting us cardigans and watching us grow. There was always that gentle expectation that we would grow into good Christian adults. I hope I haven't disappointed her in moving past reliance on structured religion (aka "Post-Christian") in order to try to be ethical, kind and considerate.
Note the use of the word "try"!

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use ktblayney@gmail.com)

See 2nd Carruthers page (mid 1970s on) photos
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Gen 1Joseph CARRUTHERS (1853 UK -1937 NZ)

(married 2nd Gen Alice Cuthbert)
William Thomas CUTHBERT(1836 UK - 1899 NZ)
1st Gen Immigrant (married Jane)
+ Jane (Jean) Mazella HOARE (1835 UK - 1923 NZ)
1st Gen Immigrant (married William)
Gen 2 + Alice Jane CUTHBERT (1871-1945 NZ)   [= Oldest NZ born (2nd Gen) anncestor]
daughter of William Thomas CUTHBERT Jane (Jean) Mazella HOARE
Gen 3         Elizabeth (Lily) Jane CARRUTHERS (1894-1989 NZ)   +(1) Thomas Naylor CARRICK (1868-1921);   +(2) Walter Alfred WILLIAMS (1900-1951 NZ)
        Gen 4: Ferg CARRICK [+ Peg McQUEENEY]; Mate WILLIAMS [+ Leila IRVING]; Alice WILLIAMS [+ George BURGOYNE]; Mick WILLIAMS;
        Violet Mildred (Millie) CARRUTHERS (1895-1988 NZ)   + John (Jack) Golding HOWARTH (1895-1988 NZ)
        Gen 4: Gladys [+ Colin PUGH]; Jack [+(1) Jean DUNN; +(2) Freida McCORMICK]; Bill [+ Edna MUMME]; Ted [+ Gwen JASPER]
        Dulcina (Dulcie) Louisa CARRUTHERS (1897-1988 NZ)   + George Warner PREECE (1893-1988 NZ)
        Gen 4: Phil [Doreen JAMES]; Dick; Maurie [+ Jan MEAD]
        John James (Jim) Cuthbert CARRUTHERS (1899-1972 NZ)
        Thomas Francis (Frank) CARRUTHERS (1900-1973 NZ)   + Blanche Evelyn SYKES (1906-1972 NZ)
        Gen 4: Gladys [+ Des LANGDON]; Doug [+ Joan BURKE]; Audrey; Blanche & Barrie
        Margaret Arletta (Arlie) CARRUTHERS (1902-1976 NZ) + Ernest (Ernie) Edward POTTER (1902-1981 NZ)
        Gen 4: Muriel [+ Ivan BLAYNEY]; Joe [+(1) Beryl CAMERON; +(2) Gail POTTER]; Flo [+ David KING]; Reg [+(1) Gail ANDERSON; +(2) Eling; +(3) Ming Ming];
        Kath [+ Dennis HANSON]; Gordon [+ Julie FITZROY]
        Beatrice (Trissy or Triss) Ann CARRUTHERS (1903-1986 NZ)   + Ernest ("Ernie") William McDONALD (1898-1956 NZ)
        Gen 4: Beatrice (Alice) McDONALD [+ Thomas E. MURRAY]; Evelyn Noleen McDONALD [+ Alan H. WAINWRIGHT]; Dick McDONALD [+ Val CAPPER]
        Georgina Bertha CARRUTHERS (1905-2004 NZ)   + Henry Alexander HAMILTON (1896-1957)
        Gen 4: Geoffrey R. HAMILTON
        Phyllis / Phyl Rosa CARRUTHERS (1906-1996 NZ)   + Robert (Bob) Edward STEVEN (1907-1998)
        Gen 4: Robert William (Bill) STEVEN [+(1) Gwen COVEY; +(2) Lucy M. O'NEIL]; Laurie STEVEN [+ Bev GASSON]
        Alice Mazella (May) CARRUTHERS (1908-1996 NZ)   + Henry (Harry) Charles DWYER (1912-1975) dv.
        Edith (Edie) Robena CARRUTHERS (1910-2000 NZ)   + Ian (Sandy) Campbell HAMILTON (1905-1975)
        Gen 4: Ian Basil HAMILTON [+ Caroline A. HARRISON]; Joseph (Joe) J. G. HAMILTON [+(1) Judy HUNTER; +(2) Lyn LAURENCE]
        Joseph William Henry (Harry) CARRUTHERS (1914-1989 NZ)   + Elaine Lenore JAMES (1924-1978 NZ)
        Gen 4: Patricia (=Pauline); Rosanne L. [+ Alex JAMIESON]; Yvonne J. [+Rob OLIVER]; Bronwynne G. [+ Trevor ADAMS] Lurline J. [+ Kevin HYLAND]

See Joseph & Alice, William & Jean's full genealogy HERE.
You will not be able to see living relatives without a password.

Click pictures to enlarge.

"J_ACarruthers" Joseph & Alice
My Great Grandparents [matx2] (parents of Arlie)

"JaneMCuthbertneeHoare" Jane Cuthbert née HOARE
My mother's mother's mother's mother (pics)

"WTC2" William Thomas CUTHBERT
My Great Great Grandfather (or Rasputin!)

"Cuthberts2" William and Jane's family, Bombay, NZ
L-R: George, Alice-Jane, Mrs Jane, William (front), Mildred, Mr William T and Frank CUTHBERT

"AliceJoeCarruthers" Joseph & Alice
My Great Grandparents [matx2] (parents of Arlie)

"CarruthersCar" Joseph, Alice, some kids & car

"CarruthersGdGmprobMil" Joseph, Alice & Lilly Carruthers

"DSCN0072" ?Joseph Carruthers

"Mil&JackHowarth" Millie & Jack Howarth 1914

"BerthaMazella&GeoffHamilton" Bertha, Mazella & Geoff Hamilton

"FrankCarruthersBorn11Oct1900" Frank Carruthers

"Prob_Lily_Thomas_CARRICK" ??Lily (& Thomas) 1916

"Jim3" Jim Carruthers

"Arlie (GM)" My Grandma 1924

"John Mildred Howarth Children" Children = Kath, Gladys & Jack (1921)

"Arlie_BeatriceCarruthers" Arlie and sister Beatrice (Trissy)

"Trissie&ErnieMcDonald2" Trissie and Ernie McDonald 1924

"1925 EEMAPotter" Ernie and Arlie 18May1925
See Arlie & Ernie Potter's photos

"1925 ErniePotterArlieCarruthers18-5-1925" ??Fred Potter R) back -See Arlie and Ernie Potter's photo gallery

"Phyllis&BobSteven" Phyllis & Bob Steven 1928

"Phyllis&BobSteven" Phyllis & Bob Steven

"Ian&EdieHamilton2" Ian & Edie Hamilton 1930

"Ian_Edie_Hamilton" Ian & Edie Hamilton 1930

"Carruthers05" Back row - Harry Carruthers, Ian Hamilton, Jack Howarth, Vera Towns (girlfiend of Jim), Jim Carruthers, young Jack Howarth
Front row - Molly Hardy (Harry's fiancé), Alice Carruthers, Joseph Carruthers, Edie Hamilton, Millie Howarth. Summer 1935/6

"Ian&Edith03Jun1936" Ian & Edith Hamilton 1936

"VioletMildredHowarth" Millie catches some fish

Jim Carruthers

"HarryCarruthers30Dec1939" Harry Carruthers
2nd NZEF Dec 1939

"HarryCarruthersWW2" Harry Carruthers
4th FD Regt. (and George)

"DSCN9299" 1941 Arlie (and Ernie) Potter

"ErniePotter200641" 1941

"GD_horse DSCN9537" Ernie & horse

Gladys Evelyn CARRUTHERS

"FredCarrick_AuntieLily" Fred Carrick & Auntie Lily
Prersumably "Fred" is Liy's son Ferg serving in the Navy in WWII

"Carruthers10Oct1943" Carruthers family 10 October 1943

"LillyWilliams_ArliePotter_TrissyMcDonald_ErnieMcDonald" Lilly Williams, Arlie Potter, Trissy McDonald (and Ernie McDonald at back)

"AliceCarruthers1940s" Alice Carruthers
and sister Mildred Stevens (both née Cuthbert)

"1945c DSCN9609.jpg"
Mum (Muriel), Aunt Trissie and sister Flo

"Thomas&AliceWed1946" Thomas & Alice (daughter of Trissy) McDonald and Thomas Murray 1946

"Joe_Noleen" Cousins Joe Potter and Noleen McDonald (later Wainwright)

"Harry&LenoreCarruthers" Harry Carruthers & Lenore

Muriel Blayney & Lenore Carruthers

"Dug_JoanCARRUTHERSm1949ish" Doug & Joan CARRUTHERS
married 1949ish. Doug was Frank's 1st son.

"1950 4Feb e DSCN9543c" Arlie, Muriel and Ernie
See Muriel Blayney & family

"1950 Ivan & Muriel Blayney wed1"
See Muriel Blayney & family

"JimCarruthers&Mum" Jim Carruthers & Muriel Blayney (née Potter) 4/2/50

"HarryCarruthers_BobSteven_040250" Harry Carruthers & Bob Steven 4Feb1950

"GeoffreyHamilton_PhyllisSteven_BerthaHamilton_040250" Geoffrey Hamilton, Phyllis Steven & Bertha Hamilton 4/2/50

"Harry_Lenore_C_040250a" Harry & Lenore Carruthers 1950

"Alan&NoeleenWainwright1951" Alan & Noeleen Wainwright 1951

"Ern&Trissy" Ern & Trissy
Ern (52) & Trissy (47) at Noleen's wedding 1951

Dick & Valery McDonald 23/05/54

"IanEdithHamiltonBasil15Joe12.5Dec54b1" Ian, Basil, Edith and Joe Hamilton 1954

"BerthaEdie&Blayneys" Bertha, Edie & Muriel
L-R: Keith, Gwenda, Lynn, Ross & Bruce Blayney about 1959/60

"B-BerthaEdieIanHamiltonF-BasilGeoffHamilton" Back L-R: Bertha, Edie & Ian Hamilton
Front L-R: Basil and Geoff Hamilton (1959/60)

Rosanne (back), Lurlne, Yvonne & Bronwyn c1960

Bronwyn, Yvonne

"HarryCarruthersFam1963" Back Harry, Lenore & Rosanne
Front: Bronwyn, Lurlne and Yvonne 1963

"1963 Bronwynne-Lurline-Gwenda"
Bronwynne, Lurline and Gwenda 1963

"carruthersCoA" Carruthers Coat of Arms
and motto "Promtus et Fidelis" (Prompt and faithful)
  See Go to 2nd page (Carruthers from mid 1970s on) photos


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  ➣   Year Index

See 2nd Carruthers page (mid 1970s on) photos
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See our extensive Family History and Tramping site at keithblayney.com or the Medical Practice site at drblayney.com

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