Gallery 2022

Historic NZ Blayney Photos - cool parents and grandparents

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality and humour with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use

Click pictures to enlarge.

"1930s TomElsieRonVi" Smart parents

"Tom_shaving" Thomas Blayney using finger gauge

"Elsie showing a bit of leg to Tom" who takes notice

"Thomas BLAYNEY & lads" Ron on left (on footboard), Jim Norton behind, Tom in the middle on both running boards with Ivan and Ray on the bonnett


"Tom on the fence" Tom Blayney

"Tom3" Tom's fish!!

"TomKiss4" finger pulling kiss

"Tom2 Elsie still holding Tom's finger"

"ThomasBLAYNEY-Python-OE in Australia" Tom & a snake

"Elsie and her dog Patch"

"funny perspective"

"Thomas on the right" Smalls on the left
Suit, hat, tie, white shirt = proper attire for hot pool soaking

Young at heart 1954

"FormalPihaMorningTea" Tom's formal Piha picnic

"togs of the time (Thomas at Piha)"

"no Photoshop needed by my grandparents"

"TomSnowball" Tom discovers snow

"Gumboot Salute" Thomas 2nd from left
3rd & 4th are the Smalls

"Tom, the Strongman"
Lifting rocks

Tennis anyone?

"PD_0996c" Ivan learns to saw
without electricity (or fingers if not careful)

Ivan hooning on a bike by Ron

"IvanSelfie" Ivan's selfie
using a Kodak Brownie Reflex and mirror

"IvanSelfie2" Ivan's other selfie
using a Kodak Brownie Reflex and mirror

My dad, the bikie with leather jacket.

Muriel and her mate!

"IvanMuriel3legs" c.1949
Ivan & Muriel tying a different knot

"Nothing sexier than the man doing housework"

"Dad (Ivan) plays it cool"
Ivan on the left trying to look cool

"DadRoss" 1952
Ross - Dad thinks he is on safari

"EE Potter - do I look cool or what"

"HatOff" with Annette, Elsie, Tom, Glenys and Noel (mid 1950s) [and Patch]

Ivan rowing the tub boat

Gwenda & Dad, Piha 1969

"1970s MumMounted3a"

Gwenda & Dad

Grandad Potter pulls Dad

"1981 NovMuriel044-19"

"Dad talking to the giraffe2" by Muriel - Not sure what to say

Dad dances with Alan

"BenShavesIvan1984" Dad shows Benjamin the art of electric shaving
Note left handed Ben and Dad oblivious to the hairy consequences of shaving in bed!

"Ivan (incorrigible) & Muriel 1987"
1987 - Dad does his teeth trick

"1990 4Feb40thWedAnn"
Dad pleads for & gets a 40th anniversary kiss

Reg, Flow, Muriel listen to Ivan yarning

Dad tries Kava in Fiji

"Blanche_Ivan1993" 1993



"2020 Christmas IMG_5533"
Mum at 94 (with David & Glenys)

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