Gallery 2022

GALLERY-2022: [Photos from 2022]
  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZR1 (digital non SLR camera, Leica lens) = Lumix
  • Nikon D3200 (digital SLR camera with Nikkor 18-300mm telephoto F/3.5-6.3) = D3200
  • Nikon Z50 (digital SLR mirrorless camera with Nikkor 24-200mm telephoto F/4-6.3) = Z50
  • iPhone7 (12 megapixels, f/1.8 rear, 7 megapixels f/2.2 front) = iPhone7

Photographs on this site are available for you to use with the following simple conditions  

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"DSC_0191c" Wave action, Milford 1 Jan ‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0213" Shirley 2 Jan ‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0235" Ross ("Blayney Reserve") 2/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0262c" Fantail/pīwakawaka ("Blayney Reserve") 2/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0277c" Ross at the "Blayney Reserve" bridge 2/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0283c" Lucy looks up 2/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0280c" Mum (Muriel) at 95; 2/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0307c" Panmure Basin entrance - the Jubilee Bridge 3/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0313" Old Panmure swing bridge mechanism; 3/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0350cc" 105m Mângere Mountain from Hamlin's Hill 3/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0365cc" Shirley & Marty zoomed in 3/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0376c" Shirley & Marty close 3/1/‎2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0395" Sparrow ready to pounce 4/1/2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0456ar" Tongaporutu River Mouth 5/1/2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0427_stitchYES" Awakino River Mouth from Awakino Heads Rd 5/1/2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0451_stitch1" Tongaporutu River Mouth from Umukaha Point (Pilot Rd) showing 3 Sisters, Elephant Rock and White Cliffs. 5/1/2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0438ar" Tongaporutu River Mouth from Umukaha 5/1/2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0446car" Closer view 3 Sisters & White Cliffs 5/1/2022 [Z50]

"DSC_0505a" this little Rotokare Robin wanted a portrait 30/1/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0511" Kahikatea (White Pine), our tallest native 30/1/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0528a" another Rotokare Robin 30/1/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0565a" a Rotokare Ruru (Morepork) at dusk 30/1/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0569a" am I looking back or foreward? 30/1/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0584a" Profile shows I was looking back 30/1/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0603a" [Right to left] Gail, her mum and sister 04/2/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0613d" Beach tagging" at North Piha [TV1 Video Capture] 28/2/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0668c" Toutouwai (Robin) 19/3/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0670c" Toutouwai (Robin) 19/3/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0715c" Tieke (Saddleback) mooning 19/3/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0736cc" Dusk from our place 23/3/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0753r_stitch_stitch" Julians lake, halfway between Pihama and Ōpunakē 27/3/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0761" Waingongoro River 2/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0765" Waihi Beach 2/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0792m" Waingongoro River 3/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0866" Waihi Beach 3/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0805" Waihi Beach illusion 3/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0873" King Edward Park 10/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0885" King Edward Park 10/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0896" Mt Taranaki from York Rd 17/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0915" Punga on York Rd Loop Track 17/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0942" Dead tree, Ōpunakē 23/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0964" Another Dead tree, shags & swans, Ōpunakē Lake 25/6/22 [Z50]

"DSC_0970_sss" Water birds on a lowered Ōpunakē Lake 23/4/22 [Z50 spliced]

"DSC_0994" Canada Geese, Nowell's Lakes 23/4/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1121TaranakiEgmontSt28May22.jpg" Taranaki Maunga from Egmont St, Hāwera 28/5/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1104" After the storm, OhaweBeach 22/5/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1141" Denby Rd view 21/6/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1191c.jpg" Shirley's Mt Egmont view (minus power lines) 23/7/22 [Z50]

"IMG_6414_stitchF" From King Edward to Hicks Park 25/6/22 [iPhone7]

"DSC_1360" Waipipi Wind farm 22/10/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1373.jpg" Patea River bridge 22/10/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1479" Blood Moon 9/11/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1484.jpg" Carved pou Hērangi kaitiaki (top of Awakino gorge) 19/12/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1530" Rock pigeons, Takapuna 20/12/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1532" Rock pigeons, Takapuna 20/12/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1559" Kyle explores, Manawa Wetland
Reserve 23/12/22 [Z50]

Arriving at Grandma's for Christmas

Mum (Grandma) on Christmas day

"DSC_1598" Marty & Chris, Tapapakanga 27/12/22 [Z50]

"DSC_1631" Scene, North Orere Point Beach 27/12/22 [Z50]

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