Gallery 2024

GALLERY-2024: [Photos from 2024]
  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZR1 (digital non SLR camera, Leica lens) = Lumix
  • Nikon Z50 (digital SLR mirrorless camera with Nikkor 24-200mm telephoto F/4-6.3) = Z50
  • iPhone14Pro (48, 12 & 12 MPs rear; 12 MPs f/1.9 front) = iPhone14 Pro

Photographs on this site are available for you to use with the following simple conditions  

Click pictures to enlarge

"IMG_1400c" Takapuna Beach and Rangitoto, 1 Jan ‎2024 [iPhone 14Pro]

"IMG_1401c" Waterworld's Waterpark wipeout, 1 Jan ‎2024 [iPhone 14Pro]
See the Piha Slideshow

"DSC_2809a" Marty explains some botanical stuff, Piha, 2 Jan ‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2811a" Heading to Maungaroa Lookout, 2 Jan ‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2813a" Crossing the Piha Stream , 2 Jan ‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2814c" Maungaroa Lookout Track 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]
The Piha Stream is where I had my first brush with death as a young child (4). I left the track we were following (now Glenesk Road) to check out the stream and slipped in, sinking deep into the cold water. Realising I was going to drown and believing I would go to heaven I relaxed but that allowed me to float and paddle to the bank. I didn't tell my parents as I would have been restricted in where I could go unaccompanied! Other brushes with death resulted in my GP getting my attendance at kindergarten expedited!

"DSC_2817c" Horizontal Common Scabbard 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2818a" Marty and Shirley check out another aging tree 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2821c" 1st Lookout to Piha (Marty does a panoramic) 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2825a" Land view of Lion Rock 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2833a" Whale carving dedication on Lookout seat 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2834a" Piha beach from 2nd lookout 2/1/‎2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2843c" Third Lookout to Piha Beach looking SW 2/1/2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2846c" Taitomo (Camel) Rock and the gap 1/1/2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2854c" Plenty of bird life
(Tui) 2/1/2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2861a" A rare photo of Lion Rock without people, cars, Rescue film crew
2/1/2024 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2862a" Piha lagoon of childhood memories,
Grandparents' home was on the hill 2/1/2023 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2865r" Shirley and Marty
in front of Lion Rock finger 12/2/2023 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2872cd" Lion Rock Finger
2/1/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2876c" Mavis,
(Chris & Marty's akita) 2/1/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2898_stitch" The mouth of the Waingongoro River, Ohawe 21/1/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_2985" Hang glider over Ohawe 21/1/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3049" Hang glider back from 10km coastal flight 21/1/24 [Nikon Z-50]
See the Cardiff Walkway Slideshow

"DSC_3062c" Shirley on Cardiff Walkway 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3070r" Reflections on the Waingongoro 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3071a" Swingbridge over the Waingongoro 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3074c" The top lookout 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3075c" View of mountain (If you look hard) 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3084a" Below the top weir built 1918 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3086c" The lower weir 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3090a" Old bridge over the Waingongoro River 6/2/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"IMG_1183c" Mt Taranaki from my home with Power Lines cleaned off 20/2/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3114" Taranaki Maunga from Normanby straight 20/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3121a" Tongapörutu River
20/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3133" Elephant Rock and the two remaining of the Three Sisters
the White Cliffs and Taranaki Maunga in the distance 20/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3154a" I can see a third sister way back
and two more forming! 20/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3165a" The rail bridge at
Ngāruawāhia 20/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3169a" Dusk on the Waikato River 20/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"IMG_1511a" Waka at Due Drop Events Centre 24/3/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3180a" Derelict house 24/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3185a" Massive cableway, Mt Messenger 24/3/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3201c" Stumpted at Waihi 31/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"DSC_3202c" Driftwood constructions, Waihi 31/3/24 [Nikon Z50]

"IMG_1608c" Dot's birthday
12/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1610c" New message for Dot
12/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1610c" Shirley with message for Dot
12/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1640c" View from Fairfield walkway
19/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1643ac" A bit further on the walkway
19/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1650a" Centre City view of Puke Ariki
with Moturoa and Motumahanga 26/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1657a" Moturoa and Motumahanga from the coastal walkway
in the rain 26/5/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1673a" After the storm
(eroded Waihi Beach peak) 3/6/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1674c" Evening after the storm
(Waihi Beach)3/6/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1686a" Egmont Street Hawera 5/6/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1692cr" Blue and white
(Mt Taranaki from near train sation) 22/6/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1728a" Classic Laurent VC St view
8/7/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1734a" Grant VC St view
evening 8/7/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1735" Classic Grant VC St view
8/7/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3238c" Denby view 1
3/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3250c" Denby view 2
3/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3265a" Denby view 3
3/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3291" Denby view 3
3/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3280" Denby Heights view
3/8/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1861" Dusk view using iPhone
3/8/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1867" Fire plasma witch
3/8/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3312" Patea River mouth moles, NZ's most dangerous bar
30/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3318" Waveley Waipipi Wind farm from 6km away
30/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3329" Coast north of Patea River
30/8/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3340" Optical illusion, Waingongoro River
1/9/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3373" Waingongoro River mouth
1/9/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3378" A pied Variable Oystercatcher at Ohawe
1/9/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"1936a" Caplen St entrance to mystery
11/8/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_1937a" Grand opening to the little known "Caplen Dell"
11/8/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3312" Mt Taranaki from up market Rata St
24/10/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3312" Mt Taranaki from rustic Glover Rd
24/10/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2119b" Taranaki dominance from Glover Road
24/10/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2131" Romeo result
Stratford 7/17/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2155" Mt Taranaki with Camera+ Ap
17/11/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2177cr" Hawera water Tower down the track
23/11/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_0230c" caricature portrait of Gwenda, Lynn, Keith, Bruce, Ross, Muriel and Ivan
by cousin John some time ago [Nikon Z50]

"IMG_2338" Ruffled feathers after hitting window
Hawera 17/12/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2357" Another stunned window hitter
Takapuna 23/12/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2399" Marty, Chris and Shirley outside one Intern psychologist Marty's
worksites, Tui Glen 24/12/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2357" White-faced Heron on the
Oratia Stream 24/12/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"IMG_2417" Crossing the Oratia stream
at dusk 24/12/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

"DSC_3557" Marty & Chris
Fairy Falls track 27/12/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3571" A bewildered New Zealand
Pied Shag (kāruhiruhi) seeminly
without fear 30/12/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"DSC_3588" Phalacrocorax varius varius
(several, several bald one with glossy black hair)
30/12/24 [Nikon Z-50]

"IMG_2435c" And at lunch we watched
a motrher feed her bigger chick
30/12/24 [iPhone 14 Pro]

Click on any picture to enlarge
Permission to use pics

  Go back to Gallery 2023   or Year Index   or go on to Gallery 2025

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