Gallery 2022

Historic NZ Blayney Photos

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most later photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use

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Gen 1Alexander Henry Blayney (1842 UK -1924 NZ) - FIRST GENERATION IMMIGRANT
Wife+ Rebecca (Beckie) NICHOLS (1864 UK-1948 NZ)
Gen 2 Francis (Frank) Alexander Thomas BLAYNEY (1893 NZ - 1983 NZ) Thomas Athol BLAYNEY (1896 NZ - 1977 NZ)
Wives + Ruby Armstrong WESTON (1898 Vic - 1979 NZ) + Hannah Mary Scott McLEOD = "Elsie" (1898-1967 NZ)
Gen 3 (1) Gary BLAYNEY (1924-2020 NZ)
    + Shirley Hart HICKS (1928-2015 NZ)
        (1) Noel James ("Jim") BLAYNEY (1922-2004 NZ)
            + Irene Elinor HOBBS (1921-2005)  
        (2) Maisie Alice BLAYNEY (1928-1983 NZ)
            + James (Jim) Richard George NORTON (1924-1991)
        (3) Viola (Vi) Elsie BLAYNEY (1930 NZ - 2021 Aust)
            + Myron Bertrand KELLY (1923-2007 Aust)
        (4) Ivan Thomas BLAYNEY (1926-1993 NZ)
            + Phyllis MURIEL Emma POTTER
        (5) Ronald (Ron) Athol BLAYNEY
            + [i] Bonnie MYRES (1934-2021 NZ);
            + [ii] Daphne RUSSELL
        (6) Raymond (Ray) Henry BLAYNEY
            + Patricia (Pat) CRAWFORD

See Alex's full genealogy HERE.
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"Alex40yrA_0" Alexander Blayney
London c.1882

"RebeccaBlayney" Rebecca Nichols
London c.1893

"McLoudMs" Ms McLoud. biological mother
of Hanna Mary Toomath

"FrancisAlexanderThomasFranketc" Frank (Francis)
(back left) & Thomas (centre, white collar)

"FrankEtc" Tom Blayney
c. 1910 (my Grandad)

a young Elsie (my Grandmother)

"Edward William Toomath"
Grandfather of Elsie Ref 1

"Eliza Jane Toomath"
Grandmother of Elsie Ref 3

"James Toomath"
Adopting father of Elsie
Edward William Toomath (left), Settler (and father of Mr. James Toomath, the adopting father of Elsie) may be regarded as the father of education in New Zealand, was born in 1817. Educated at the Battersea Training Institute, he spent a few years as a soldier, and after teaching for some time in London and Northampton, he was selected by the Society for the promotion of Christian knowledge as the first certificated teacher for New Zealand. Landing in Wellington in 1850 becoming the first teacher in the Canterbury settlement, at Lyttelton. He severed his connection with the Society after two years, and opened private schools in Wellington and Greytown. He was the promoter of the present system of free education, although other hands did the work, and was the first inspector of schools. The Thorndon Normal School (since abolished) was promoted by him, and he was, until the time of his death, a member of the Wellington Education Board. In politics he was a Liberal and sat for some time in one of the early Parliaments. He interested himself in stock-raising, and introduced long-woolled sheep to the Colony, grazing them on the section now occupied by the Wellington Club. A successful speculator, he took an active part in establishing the Wellington tramways and other ventures. Mr. Toomath was twice married. His first wife died of cholera within twenty-four hours of marriage. His second wife, who survives him, was Eliza Jane Battersby, a passenger by the ship “Cornwall,” in 1850. Ref 2

"Hannah Mary TOOMATH (Elsie BLAYNEY)"
a young Elsie, later "Grandma Blayney"

Tom in uniform 29Aug1917

"1918 A0106 TomBlayneyArmy"
Tom Blayney WWI (1918)

"1919 ThomasBlayney" Thos. BLAYNEY
1919 Carrier

"Thomas BLAYNEY carrier card from 20 Argyle St,
Morningside" - My Grandad's card

"1922 Thomas & Elsie Blayney wed"
My grandparents and Alice & James Toomath

"1922 Thomas & Elsie BLAYNEY wedding2"
31 May 1922, Wellington

"1920s Elsie & Tom Blayney" 1922
Roaring 20s

"1926 BLAYNEYs" L-R Thomas holding Ivan, Nancy Oslon holding Maisie,
Alice holding Viola, Noel in front

"Frank&Ruby2" Ruby and Frank Blayney (Tom's brother)
See Frank Blayney Gallery

"Frank&TomBlayney" Tom & Frank Blayney
(my Grandad & Great Uncle)

"1931 Elsie BLAYNEY & her 5 children." Back: Noel, Maisie,
Front: Vi, Elsie holding Ron then Ivan (well before Ray)

"1930 ishGloria Fisk, Viola and front Ivan BLAYNEY2"
L-R: Gloria Fisk & Vi, skinny Ivan in front

"1940s Noel with camera, Viola behind & Elsie BLAYNEY (2)"
My Grandma had fun

"1930s NoelRonIvan",
Noel, Ron (with hat and shoes) and Ivan

"1940s Ivan, Noel, Ray & Ron BLAYNEY"
War years

"Noel & Irene BLAYNEYs wedding" 1943
See Noel's family

See Maisie's family

"1940sViolaBLAYNEY" 1940s
See Vi's family

"1949 Ivan & Muriel Blayney4" engaged
See Ivan's family

"RonBonnyGMGD3" 1952
See Ron's family

"Ray Blayney & Pat engagement. c1960" engaged
See Ray's family

"1943 Thomas BLAYNEY family" Tom, Elsie, Ivan, Maisie, Ron, Vi, Ray & Noel

"1945c Noel & Viola BLAYNEY" siblings

"1950 IvanMurielTomElsieRayMaisie"
Ivan, Muriel, Tom, Elsie, Ray & Maisie

"1950ViElsieDavidMaisie" 1950
Vi, Elsie, David & Maisie at my parents' wedding

"1952 Thomas BLAYNEY fam" at Ron's wedding
Ray, Ivan, Tom, Elsie, Maisie & Ron

Grandma & gkids, Piha lagoon

"1956 Thomas & Elsie BLAYNEY & some grandchildren2"

"1956 Thomas & Elsie BLAYNEY & some grandchildren3"
December 1955 Blayney Grandchildren
Back L-R: Glenys age 12 holding Sue age 1, Dan age 2, Grandma and Lynn age 4mth held by Grandad
Front L-R: Keith age 2 (see insert on right), Anette aged 8, Bruce aged 3 and Ross age 4.




See a gallery of my parents and grandparents
being cool and/or funny (click pic below!)

"KTBCry" I hate photos
or scratchy pants
or conforming...

"Elsie & Thomas BLAYNEY"
Trip to Australia

Elsie Blayney

Tom Blayney in Aussi

At two I copy my brothers, just not very well! -or I'm testing the wind!

"GrandadBcar" Thomas
in car with Ivan & girls

"TomElsie5" Tom and Elsie at Piha

"1960s Tom&Elsie2a" Tom and Elsie

"GD_GM Blayney1" Tom and Elsie hold hands 1960s

"IMG_6815" Thomas & Elsie c.1960

"IMG_6824" Thomas & Elsie c.1960

"ElsieCWIc1960Piha" Was this her last? (Elsie is 1st left in Piha's CWI group about 1960) Source:, "tidied-up" by me.

"GrandmaBlayney2" 1960s
or was this the last photo?

"1970 ThomasVi_AnnettesWeddingJan1970"
Tom and Vi @ Annette's Wedding Jan 1970

"1970 AnnetteWed1" Most of family (Ray missing) at Annette's Wedding
See names (of most)

"1970 MurielViDaphneIrene" @ Annette's Wedding
Muriel, Vi, Daphne and Irene

"DSC_1671c" Elsie & Tom's plaque
(Waikumete's Old Cremation Lawn Row k2, Plot 12)

"1983 BlayneySibs19-3-83"
Noel, Maisie, Ivan and Ray

"1987 Siblings Ray and Vi at David-Francie wedding"

"1993 Daphne, Gwenda and Vi"

"1993 IvanNoelIreneShirleyGarry"
Ivan, Noel, Irene, Shirley & Garry (?last photo of Dad)

"1993 PatMaisieRonBinwig" 25/04/93
Ron (in wig), the comedian reading poem to Maisie

"1997 JanineViPat14_12-97"
Janine behind Vi and Pat

Click on any picture to enlarge
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  1. Davis & Co (Wellington) fl 1878 :Photograph of Edward Toomath. Alexander Turnbull Library
  2. Toomath, Edward Historical Description, Longburn Genealogical Records, Forebears
  3. Davis & Co (Wellington) fl 1878 :Photograph of Jane Toomath. Alexander Turnbull Library

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