Blayney past

Historic NZ Ron Blayney Photos

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use

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Gen 3Ronald (Ron) Athol BLAYNEY (1929-2024 NZ)
Wives (1) + Bonnie MYRES (1934-2021 NZ)(2) + Daphne RUSSELL
Gen 4 Daniel (Dan) BLAYNEY
Susan (Sue) BLAYNEY (1954-2018)
  (1)+ Barry GORDON
(2)+ Alex SHEWAN
Barbara May BLAYNEY
+ Bernie HACKETT
Sandra Lee BLAYNEY
+ Graham BERRY

See Ron's full genealogy HERE.
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Click pictures to enlarge.

"1930s NoelRonIvan"
Ron 1930s

"1930s TomElsieRonVi"
Young Ron, sister Vi & parents

"1940s Ivan & Ron Blayney. Piha"
Lion Rock behind

"1940s Ivan, Noel, Ray & Ron BLAYNEY"
Ron 1940s

"1950 RonKath" Ron as
Ivan's Best Man (and Kath)

Ron 1950's

"RonBonnyGMGD3" 1952
Ron marries Bonny

"1952 Thomas BLAYNEY fam" at Ron's wedding
Ray, Ivan, Tom, Elsie, Maisie & Ron

"1963ish RonandDaphne Blayney - wed" Ron & Daphne

"1963ish RonDaphne" Ron & Daphne

"1963ish RonandDaphneWed4" Ron & Daphne

"1963ish RonDaphne3" Ron & Daphne

"1977 DanDaphneSue&RonNov"
Dan, Daphne, Sue and Ron

"1978 PD_0340" Ron, Barbara & Daphne
(& Sandra) at John & Linda's wedding

"1980 Pd_0322" Ron & Daphne

"1985 BarbaraJudyDanBlayney" Barbara Judy & Dan

"1990 BarbaraBernieWed1990x"
Barbara and Bernie

"1990 JudyBarbaraDan"
Judy Barbara & Dan

"1990 SandraGrahamAtBarbaraBernieWedding"
Sandra & Graham @ Barbara's wedding

"1990 SandraDanJudy" @ Sandra's wedding

"1990sDSCN9386" Ron and Daphne 1990s

"1991 DavidKDanB"
remembering David happy (with Dan)

"1992 RonRoss12July1992"
Ron with nephew Ross

"1990s SueGordon" Sue Gordon née Blayney c.1992

1993 DaphneGwendaVi" Daphne, Gwenda & Vi

"1993 RonBinwig" Ron in his wig! (Maisie's 70th)

"1993 PD_0245" Ron reading his poem to Maise (70th birthday)

"1994 Ron at Vi KELLY's70th"

"1994 RonDaphne" looking serious

"1996 Ron & Sandra Blayney - 10Feb by bus"
Arrival by bus not chariot

"1996 DSCN9356"
Graham, Bridesmaid, Barbara, Ron and Daphne 10 Feb 1996

"1996 DaphneDanielGwendaRon12Dec"
Daphne, Daniel, Gwenda and Ron 12 Dec 1996

"1999 DaphneRon16Oct"
Daphne & Ron 16Oct1999

"2005 DaphneRon22Dec"
Daphne and Ron 22 Dec 2005

"2007 Ron&Co281007" Back: Ron, Barbara & Daphne
Front: Brody, Jasmine & Sandra Berry 28Oct2007

Sue happy with ponies [by Alex Shewan]

Sue shortly before her death 2017 [by Alex Shewan]

Click on any picture to enlarge
Permission to use pics

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