Blayney past

Historic NZ Ray Blayney Photos

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use

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Gen 3Raymond (Ray) Henry BLAYNEY (1938-2022)
+ Patricia (Pat) CRAWFORD
Gen 4 Jennifer Dawn BLAYNEY
(1)+ Gavin L. WHITING
Geoffrey Alan BLAYNEY
(1)+ Helen LEWIS
(2)+ Robenanna; (3)+ Yvonne
Wendy Patricia BLAYNEY
 + Nigel Graham
Raewyn Ann BLAYNEY
+ Darren M. ROXBURGH
Janine Joy BLAYNEY
+ Lawrence E. MERRIGAN

See Ray's full genealogy HERE.
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Click pictures to enlarge.

"1945 Ivan, Noel, Ray & Ron BLAYNEY"
Ray with brothers 1945

"1947 GarryB, IvanB, JimN, MyronK, RonB, & RayB"
Ray at Vi's wedding

"Ray & dog"

"Ray & bike"

"1960 (approx) Ray & Pat engaged"
c.1960 engaged

"1960 Ray&Patengaged" Elsie, Ray, Pat and Tom at Ray & Pat's engagement c.1960 (Pat's Mum over Tom's shoulder)

"1961 PD_1129" L-R: Ron B, Glenys B, Jeanette K, Ray & Pat, dau of Pat's Boss, ? and Pat's brother

"1961 (18 Feb)Pat&RayMarried"

"Blayney family of Forbes Road" Geoff, Pat and Jennifer win 1971
See the story online at
Big win for family, Māngere

"1978 RaePat78-78" Front: Janine & Raewyn
Back: Ray, Pat, Wendy, Geoff (behind), Jennifer & Gavin

"1978 Ray78" Front: Janine & Raewyn
Back: Ray, Pat, Wendy, Geoff (behind), Jennifer & Gavin

"1981 016-28PatRay" Pat & Ray

"1982 Janine_Wendy_Ray_Jennifer_Pat_Geoff_Raewyn"
Jennifer's wedding 13 Nov 1982

"1982 JenniferWed_c"
Double exposure or supernatural light?

"1982 JenniferGavinWhiting
Jennifer & Gavin

"1982 Wendy BLAYNEY [left] dressed up 1930 style"

"1983 BlayneySibs19-3-83" Noel, Maisie, Ivan and Ray

"1984 WendyAndGraham"

"1984 RayRaewynWendyPat"

"1984 2OctGeoff(21)" Geoff's 21st Oct 1984. L-R: Wendy, Pat, Raewyn, Geoff, Ray, Janine, Gavin (Whiting) and Jennifer

"1985 RayBlayney1985"

"1985 RaewynRayBrowynPatJanine" 1985 (New Lynn)
L-R: Raewyn Roxburgh, Ray, Browyn (exchange student), Pat and Janine Merrigan at Ivan & Muriel's place

"1985 WendyBlayney_Graham1985"

"1985 WendyBlayney_Graham1985a" ? at her 20th party

"1986 RayPat1986" 25th Wedding Anniversary

"1987 Siblings Ray and Vi at David-Francie wedding" -I am over Vi's left shoulder

"1988 WendyMcKinney" Wendy Blayney and Graham McKinney Wed 13th February 1988
Left-Right: Ray, Ivan, Noel, Ron, Maisey, Wendy & Graham, Irene, Jim, Pat, Daphne & Muriel

"1988 WendyGraemeMcKinney"
Wendy & Graeme McKinney

"1988 GavinTimJennifer1988a"
Gavin, Tim and Jennifer

"1989 RaewynDarren2Dec" Raewyn and Darren

"1989 Pat&RayRaewynWed" Pat & Ray at Raewyn's Wedding

"1989 RaewynWed6Dec1989a"
Wendy, Raewyn and Gineen 2 Dec 1989

"1989 Pat&RayRaewynWed6Dec1989d"
Ray & Pat @ Raewyn's wedding

"1989 Ray&Ivan",
at Piha

"1991 GeofHelenRenewal1991a"
Helen & Geoff 28 Sep 1991

"1993 PatRay1993" -cheers

"1993 Ray, Pat and Ivan at Piha"

"1997 27OctPD_0285a" Ray & Pat

"2002 Pat BLAYNEY3Nov" Need a hand?

"2003 22Feb PD_0800"
Mr McKinney; Wendy & Graham; Ian & Harry; Mrs McKinney

"2003 JanineLarry" Janine & Larry's wedding
Larry, Janine, Pat, Ray etc

"2003 JanineLarry" Janine & Larry's wedding 22nd Feb 2003
Back L-R: Gavin & Jennifer; Larry & Janine; Pat & Ray; Geoff; Raewyn; Helen; Wendy & Graham

Click on any picture to enlarge
Permission to use pics

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