
Historic Kath Hanson (née Potter) Photos

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use ktblayney@gmail.com)

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Gen 3Kathline (Kath) Rose POTTER (1937-2013 NZ)
+ Dennis Albert HANSON (1936 - 2016 NZ)
Gen 4 John William HANSON
(1)+ Jacquiline (Jacqui)
  (2) + Dr Ruth M. ANGELL
Deborah (Debbie) Anne HANSON
+ Diccon George CLOSE

See Kath's full genealogy HERE.
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Click pictures to enlarge.

"PotterGirl(Kath)" Kath Potter

"Reg_Gordon_&_Kath_Potter" Reg, Gordon & Kath Potter (2.1.1946)

"PD_0311" Back: Ernest, Joe; Mid: Muriel, Arlie, Flo; Front: Reg, Kath & Gordon

"Kathleen Rose Potter"

Kath on left, Flo on right

"1950 RonKath"
(Ron) and Kath as a Bridesmaid for Muriel

"1950 4Feb i CathMurielFlo040250" 4 Feb 1950 Cath, Muriel and Flo

"1950 MurielnIvan4Feb" Kath as a Bridesmaid for Muriel

"1952 13Dec Joe_BerylWed" Kath as Bridesmaid 4 Joe & Beryl's Wedding

"1953b Kath"

"1953 Kath"

"MichaelLeBherz_David_FloKing_Kathleen" Bridesmaid for Flo 1955

"1957 Reg&GailWed" Cath, Ernest, Flo, Gordon, Gail, Reg, Arlie, Ivan, Muriel, Beryl and Joe

"1958 KathPotter11June" Bridesmaid again

"1964 Hansons"Kath, John & Dennis Hanson 1964

"1966 KathDennis" Kath & Dennis Hanson 1966

"1970 Gordon&Julie" Back: Dennis & Cath, Julie & Gordon, Arlie & Ernest; Front: John & Debbie

"1970s KathDennisDebra" Kath, Debra & Dennis

"1980ish Hanson37" John, Debbie, Kath & Dennis

"1980ish KathDennis" Kath & Dennis Hanson

"1983 JohnGordonDennisDebbie" John, Gordon, Dennis & Debra

"1985ish P1010673" 1985ish John, Kath & Debbie

"1987 MurielKathFlo" 1987 Muriel Kath & Flo

"1987 Debbie_Brad25DecD_0399" Debbie & Brad Christmas 1987

"1987 DSCN9491" John & Debbie 1987

"1988 04-10_88" Muriel, Kath and Flo 1988

"KathDebbie1992" Kath and Debbie 1992

"1994 PD_0548" Kath, Muriel & Flo 1994

"1994 PD_0548" John & Jacqui 1994

"1995 DebbieDicconDennisKathJohn&Jacqui" Debbie, Diccon, Dennis, Kath, John and Jacqui 1995

"1996 KathDennisHanson141096a" Kath & Dennis Hanson and Flo 1996

"2001 John&Ruth_Diccon&Debbie_Kath&Dennis" 2001 John & Ruth, Diccon & Debbie, Kath & Dennis 2001


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