Blayney past

Historic NZ Ivan and Muriel Blayney & Family Photos Page 2
See Muriel Potter photos   See 1st page photos

Photo credits:
Historical photos on these pages were taken mainly by my parents, Grandparents, other family members or even professionally.
[Most photos on this page are by Muriel Blayney (Mum), prints digitised by me or by Lucy Harrison.]

Most photographs on this site are available for you to use with these simple conditions  

Please note that decisions on which photos I included in this collection were based more on quality (and humour) with less emphasis on their historic value, equity or representation. If you have any historic family photos you think could or should be included, please send a full size scan to me. I can clean up cracks, spots, exposure (to a degree) and poor fraiming but I can't fix poor focus or rubbish content!
KTB (contact details on Home Page or use

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Gen 3 Ivan Thomas BLAYNEY (1926-1993 NZ) + Phyllis MURIEL Emma POTTER
Gen 4  Ross I BLAYNEY
   (1)+ Glenys A ROPER;
 (2)+ Lucy HARRISON
(1)+ CJH
(2)+ GMJ
(1)+ Wendy P DIXON;
   (2)+ Shirley M COXHEAD
      (1)+ Christopher C. F. ANDREW;
(2)+ Robert (Rob) C KROHN
+ Daniel P FERRETT
Gen 5     (i) David R BLAYNEY
 (ii) Kelly A BAKER née BLAYNEY
 (iii) Alan E BLAYNEY
 (i) Benjamin K BLAYNEY
(ii) Michael J BLAYNEY
(iii) Martin T BLAYNEY
 (i) James R Blayney ANDREW
(i) Daniel P FERRETT
 (ii) Sheree A FERRETT

See Ivan's full genealogy HERE.
You will not be able to see living relatives (Generations 4 & 5) without a password.

Click pictures to enlarge.


"DSC_0230c" C aricature portrait of Gwenda, Lynn, Keith, Bruce, Ross, Muriel and Ivan
by cousin John Kelly. Can you spot the spider? Do I suit red hair??

Keith and Grandad Tom 1973

"1973 JustGD&me"
Just Grandad and me

"GwendaNaki2" Gwenda & Mt Taranaki


"Cousins Barry & Gwenda 1973"

"1973A1-KeithOnNorton" Keith with natural moustache on his Norton

"1974PD_0350" 1974 outside 24 Hutchinson Ave.
L-R: Muriel, Gwenda, V1,V2,V3, Wendy Keith (with developing beard), Ivan. [V= US visitor]

"1975 KeithWendy" Keith & Wendy 1975

"1975 KeithWendyWed11Feb" Wendy & Keith married 11Feb1975

"1975JanMurielKoalaPICT0106" Muriel & Koala

"1975JanIvanKoaloPICT0109" Ivan & Koala

"1975B-30A" Chiko, Wendy, Keith & Actor (Carrington flat)

"1976 GeoffMargLindaGlenysRossBruceMurielIvan"
L-R: Geoff & Marg, Linda, Glenys & Ross, Bruce, Muriel & Ivan 21 Feb 1976

Ross, Glenys Arlie & Ernie 21 Feb 1976

"1976 RossGlenysWed"
Bruce, Linda, Ross & Gleny

"1977A-02A" Pensive Ivan 1977

"1977A-26A" Pensive Muriel 1977

"1979 4Gen" 4 generations
Muriel, Ernie (holding Ben) and Keith

"1979 Benjamin_36" Doting grandparents
Muriel, Ivan & Benjamin

"1979 Ivan&Ben" Doting grandfather

"1979 Christmas" Lynn, Bruce, Muriel, Gwenda & Ivan

"1980F-19A" Benjamin & Keith 1980

"1980 K&W&B"

"1980 D-12A" Ivan at Picnic 1980

"1980 GwendaPaulWed30Aug2" Paul and Gwenda 30/7/1980

"1980 Gwenda Blayney (bride) Ivan & Muriel" Ivan, Gwenda and Muriel 30/7/1980

"1980 Gwenda Blayney (bride) & Muriel"

"1980Lynn30Aug1980a" Lynn Bridesmaid

"1980 GwendaPaulWed30Aug1980e" All family and partners

"1980 GwendaRecep4" L-R: Gwenda, Lynn, Keith Muriel Ivan, Ross & Bruce at Gwenda & Paul's reception

"1980ish FirstWives" First wives club
Keitth holding Ben, Wendy, Colleen, Bruce, Glenys & Ross

"1980s GlenysRoss" Glenys & Ross
(& Brian Norton so possibly Nov 1977)

"1981LynnStuff" Lynn at ?Timothy's

"1981 IvanGlasshouse"

"1981 GwendaDad" Gwenda & Dad 1981

"1981ish 016-15BenIvan" Ben and Grandad Ivan

"1981 Muriel & Ivan Blayney"

"1982 MicaelEatsMirrorDad1982" Ivan supports Michael to taste the mirror

"1982May8DavidDayRossFamily" Marg, Ivan, Glenys holding David, Muriel & Ross

"1983 IvanCrutchesFeb" Ivan breaks a leg Feb1983

"1983 IvanFeb83" Ivan Feb 1983

"1983 JenniferBenFeb" Jennifer Potter & Benjamin\

"1983 Ivan_Daniel"

"1983 MichaelBenDadCuddle"

"1983 Nancy22c" Front L-R: Benjamin, Muriel and guilty looking Chiko
Back L-R: Gwenda, Paul, Daniel, Michael, David, Rupert, Kathleen, Wendy & Keith

"1983 RossandDad"

"1984 GwendaDadDanielPaul"

"1984ish KeithIvanBen" Ruakawa Falls, Mangawhero

"1985 AO16" Ivan & Muriel

"1985 IvanCattledrome" Ivan at Cattledrome 1985

"1985 DanielGwenda" Daniel & Gwenda

"1985 IvanMurielNov7" Ivan and Muriel 1986

"1985 KTBDadMichaelSwordfight" war and ...

"1985 KTB_Michael" peace

"1985 MumDad2" Muriel & Ivan at Aussi church

"1986 Rosskids" Kelly on Ross, Alan & David

"1986 Michael2"

"1986Ivan BLAYNEY & his sister Viola KELLY"

"1986 B1-21"

"1986 Dadvan"

"1986b GeofDadBertha" Geof Iven & Bertha 1986

"1986 B8-15a"

"1986 RossKelly" Kelly paints Ross

"1987 AlanKellyDavid" Alan, Kelly, David & puppies 1987

"1987 DadKoala"

"1987 MumLynn" Muriel & Lynn 1987

"1987KTBb" Keith, Michael, Benjamin & Shirley

"1987KTBasleep" Keith asleep 1987

"1987KTBc"Keith off to work

"1988 BenFloDad_NP" on Pukekura Park's main lake

"1988 Gwenda"

"1988 Gwenda2"

"1988 Ivan_Napier"

"1988 IvanMuriel" "1988 IvanMuriel" Ivan, Muriel
on Mt Victoria (2May1988) by Shirley Davies

"1988 IvanAlan"
Ivan & Alan dancing

"1988 KTBFam" 1988 Keith Bruce, Ross, Ivan & Muriel

"1988b SibsPartnersShirleyKTBBEBSueRIBGlenys" Sibs & Partners
L-R: Shirley & Keith, Bruce & Sue, Ross & Glenys

David, Alan, Ross, Glenys and Kelly

Ben, Muriel, Michael & Ivan 1988

"1989 ShirleyKeithwed22" Pre-wedding grooms (Collins St)
Ross, Keith and Bruce

"1989 18FebK&SWed" Keith & Shirley married- L-R: Ivan, Shirley, Keith and Muriel

"1989 K&SbyLTimmsb" Shirley & Keith by Lester Timms

"1989 Ivan & Muriel at Keith's wedding" @ Keith & Shirley's wedding

"1989 KtbShirley24June1989"

"1989 LynnApril1989b" Lynn pre wedding 9Apr1989

"1989 LynnDadApril" Ivan to "give away" Lynn

"1989 LynnChris09Apr" Lynn & Chris

"1989b KellyJuly" Kelly dancer

"1989IvanBoysKellyZoo" Ivan, Kelly, Ben, Michael & David

"1989 IvanRegDec"
Ivan & Reg Dec1989

"1990 4Feb40thWedAnn"
Dad pleads for & gets a 40th anniversary kiss

"1990 ShereeGwenda" Sheree & Gwenda

"1990 MumDad2" Ivan & Muriel

"1990 PhylMumBobAsleep" Muriel's Aunt Phyl and Uncle Bob

"1990d BenMumMichael" Ben, Muriel & Michael

"1990 MartinMum" 1990 Marty bonds with Muriel

"1990 IvanlMartinMum" Ivan Martin & Muriel

"1990 KTBShirleyMichaelMartinBen" Michael, Martin, Shirley, Keith and Benjamin

"1990 MichaelMartinBen" Michael, Ben & Marty

"1990 MichaelMartinBen2" Michael, Ben & a squeezed Marty

"1990 (Ivan4)"

"1990 MichaelSheree" Cousins Michael & Sheree

"1990 Lynn"

"1990 LynnDad" Lynn & Dad Nov 1990

"1990 LynnMurielChrisNov" Lynn, Muriel and Chris November 1990

"1991 IvanKava" Ivan tries Kava 1991

"1991 Subarus" Muriel and 1991 Subarus 1991

"1991a RossDavidKellyAlan" Ross David Kelly Alan reflection 1991

"1992c Muriel & Ivan, 3 granchn" Muriel & Ivan, 3 granchn 1992

"1992Martin" Martin 1992

"1992 KTB-Jerusalem" Keith at Jerusalem 1992

"1992Ivan" Ivan 1992 at Ruakawa Falls

"1993 Ivan" Ivan drives 1993

"1993 IvanMurielIrene" Kapiti lookout 3/5/93

"1993 Ivan&gs" Ivan & 3 grandsons

"1993 GwendaFam1993" Paul, Sheree, Gwenda & Daniel

"1993 GwendaLynn" Gwenda & Lynn 1993

"1993 GwendaSheree" Gwenda & Sheree 1993

"1993 Lynn" 1993 Lynn

"1993 KTBDownstairs" Keith downstairs 1993

"1993KTB" Keith 1993

Keith & Shirley 1993

"1993Lynn_RossGlenysFam" Back L-R: Glenys, Ross & Lynn
Front L-R: Kelly, David & Alan 1993
There may be more historic family photos (up to the year 2000) to come when I get the time.
  See Go to 1st Ivan Blayney page photos

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Permission to use pics

  Go to Year Index   or go to Potter Gallery

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