Gallery 9

GALLERY-2011 Protest:
[Photos of the 3,000 in the 18 July 2011 Protest March in Hawera in support of retaining hospital services.]

Click pictures to enlarge.

  • Nikon D60 (digital SLR 10mpix camera, Sigma 18-200mm telephoto F/3.5-6.3) = D60

Photographs on this site are available for you to use with the following simple conditions  

"DSC_7749" Gail






"DSC_7760" Kelly Judkins



"DSC_7766" George


"DSC_7778" [Jan], Shirley and Jenny [& Neil]

"DSC_7781" Laird and Brian interview Cynthia

"DSC_7783" Cynthia & Brian




"DSC_7790" Marie & grandchild

"DSC_7798" Marie's daughters

"DSC_7801" The march begins

"DSC_7802-3_stitch" A composite photo looking at people leaving the town square on the march

"DSC_7808" Peter & Russ






"DSC_7826-9_stitch" A composite photo of marchers outside Civic Centre




"DSC_7844" Protesters behind Sandra Boardman

"DSC_7847" Kelly's silhoustte

"DSC_7855" Karen lets them have it!

See our extensive overview of the South Taranaki Health review with all the necessary links, stages and proposals at

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